Galle Face Green

Galle Face Green

A large, grassy strip of lawn with a promenade facing the Indian Ocean and the busy Galle Face Centre Road running behind it, Galle Face Green is a Colombo landmark. The Green was laid out in 1859 by Sir Henry Ward, who was the governor of British Ceylon from 1855 to 1860. There is a plaque commemorating him along the promenade. The lawn was formerly used by British colonials for horse racing. Nowadays, it is a communal space where locals gather when the heat of the sun has faded. Kite flying is a popular activity here during weekends and holidays.

The promenade makes for a pleasant stroll and many hawkers sell foods, kites and children’s toys along the seafront. However, scammers and con artists prey on tourists here, so it is advisable to always be on guard.